Monday, September 27, 2010

Mine, Baby.

So, exactly two months ago today, I wrote a blog entry about watching television over my bulging stomach, and then didn't write anything else until now. In the interim, I've cooked many a dinner, managed many a minor household catastrophe and valiantly attempted to keep the weeds out of my gardens.

Oh - and I had a baby!

She's truly wonderful. I'm calling her "F" and she is totally worth the seven-week hiatus from my dearest blog (no offense, but y'all have nothing on these big blue eyes and fuzzy blond head). She's peaceful and beautiful and I have this to say about motherhood: Disney is evil. If you think it's hard to watch the Baby Mine scene from Dumbo as a small child, JUST YOU WAIT until you have a small child. You'll never go to the circus again.

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