Saturday, October 6, 2012


Stress does funny things to people. Some get skinny, some get fat. Some cut off all their hair.

And by that I mean, I just cut off all my hair.

It's not just stress, though. I'm also incredibly cheap and I discovered that if I agreed to donate my hair to Locks of Love I could get a free haircut from a fancy shmancy salon where it usually costs $70. Using Benjamin Franklin's logic, that's like me getting paid $70 for hair I didn't have time to wash anymore anyway. It's a no brainer.

To me, at least. P's reaction was less enthusiastic.

For the record, now, after cutting off 12 inches of hair, my hair is still a couple inches past my shoulders, which is to say, longer than most people's.

And don't worry, P. It'll grow out.

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